• In a previous post on rewarding employees, we presented 21 ideas to reward your employees. The post was so well received, we decided to come up with 21 more ways you can reward your employees.

    These ideas are for you to show appreciation for your employees even in times when you cannot show financial appreciation. Most of these ideas are free or low-cost:

    1. Make a thank-you card by hand.
    2. Swap a task with an employee for a day – his/her choice.
    3. Wash the employee’s car in the parking lot during the lunch hour.
    4. At a monthly staff meeting, award an Employee of the Month and have everyone at the meeting stand up and say why that person is deserving of the award.
    5. Once a year, have a “Staff Appreciation Day” where the managers supply, cook and serve food.
    6. Have staff vote for top manager, supervisor, employee and rookie of the year.
    7. Name a continuing recognition award after an outstanding employee.
    8. Create an Above and Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD) Award.
    9. Send a letter to all team members at the conclusion of a project, thanking them for their participation.
    10. Start an employee recognition program. Give points for attendance, punctuality, teamwork, etc. Provide gift certificates to employees who reach certain point goals.
    11. Plan a surprise achievement celebration for an employee or group of employees.
    12. Start a suggestion program.
    13. Give an employee a blue ribbon for achievement.
    14. Give an employee next Friday afternoon off.
    15. Permit your employees to work 4 10-hour days with one day off.
    16. Post a large “celebration calendar” in your work area. Tack on notes of recognition to specific dates.
    17. Give a framed poem (poster or card) as a thank you.
    18. Actively listen to co-workers, especially when discussing their accomplishments and contributions.
    19. Use 3×5 cards to write “You’re special because…” statements. People can collect the cards and refer to them when things aren’t going perfectly.
    20. Keep a supply of appropriately funny notes that can be given as immediate rewards.
    21. Widely publicize suggestions used and their positive impact on your department.

    This entry was posted on Sunday, November 29th, 2009 at 10:32 pm and is filed under Management. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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