Ten years ago, in January of 1998, I started my first website, Romancetips.com. Romancetips was a collection of romantic tips, date ideas, and romance advice.
I was 21 at the time and had a great collection of romantic tips that I couldn’t find elsewhere on the web. I decided to put them up on the web at my ISP’s webhosting space, and eventually moved them to a hosting account when I purchased the domain Romancetips.com.
As you can see, Romancetips.com has evolved many times since its humble beginnings. In 2001, I brought in a talented author and editor, Heather Tomasello, to manage the website while I worked on Learnthat.com and other sites in That Network. Heather was a great addition to the staff and upgraded the quality of Romancetips.com tremendously.
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In 2004, I wrote Creative Romance expanding on many of the tips and ideas from Romancetips.com.
Valentine’s Day
It’s fitting that I am spotlighting Romancetips.com with Valentine’s Day only two weeks away. Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to be reminded of romance and love in your life. I want to highlight some of the ideas you can use for this Valentine’s Day:
Buy a box of Valentine’s Day cards and start leaving them around house on February 1st. Leave them in inconspicuous places, e.g. his sock drawer, next to the coffee tin, or in the pocket of her jacket.
While your lover is sleeping- place Hershey’s kisses along the stairs leading to the bathroom, and fill their shower with rose petals. Leave a note that says, “Since I’ve kissed the ground you’ve walked on and showered you with roses, will you be my Valentine?”
Attach a valentine to the steering wheel of your lover’s car, or hide one under the sun visor.
Send her a card the day after Valentine’s day saying “24 hours is too long to go without saying ‘I Love You'”.
Unplug the TV and leave a card on top that says “Turn me on instead.”
Buy eight postcards. Write only one letter on each card, in this order “I L O V E Y O U”. Mail each postcard 2 days apart, over the course of two weeks she will know how you feel.
Buy a box of kids Valentines Day cards, write a note on each card, give your lover the whole lot of cards.
Write “I LOVE YOU” in chocolate kisses on a table.
Reproduce her wedding bouquet with the same flowers as she had, if you don’t remember what they were, call her Maid of Honor or the mother of your bride.
Give her a dozen roses with a silk one that matches, on the note, write “I will love you until the last rose dies.”
Fill the bedroom with balloons for when your partner comes home.
When your significant other is taking a bath or shower and the mirror fogs up, write a message like “I Love You” on the mirror for them to find when they’re done!
Rent a love story movie and watch it with her.
Write a “Top Ten Reasons I Love You” list for her.
Hang some mistletoe over your bedroom door year round.
Tell your lover you love her three times a day, every day, for the rest of your life.
Save an empty wine bottle. Next time your partner is in the bath, place a love note inside the bottle, cork it, and let it float in the bath before they get in.
Swing together on a playground.
Mail your mate a lover letter.
Post a pad of notes around the house with romantic messages on it for them.
This Valentine’s Day, try to do something out of the ordinary. Find some time to be creative — visit Romancetips.com for hundreds of romantic ideas for Valentine’s Day!