Annual Performance Reviews Sample Comments: Phrases for How to Say It

Find hundreds of sample performance review phrases in this free performance review article. Save time and finish your performance evaluations quickly.
Find hundreds of sample performance review phrases in this free performance review article. Save time and finish your performance evaluations quickly.
Results Only Work Environment, or ROWE, is a management strategy adopted by Best Buy where employees are paid for productivity, not just activity. A Results Only Work Environment focuses on achievement instead of solely being at work. Employees control their own work calendars and the focus is on how much work they get done, not […]
In a previous post on rewarding employees, we presented 21 ideas to reward your employees. The post was so well received, we decided to come up with 21 more ways you can reward your employees. These ideas are for you to show appreciation for your employees even in times when you cannot show financial appreciation. […]
Inevitably, as a manager, you will need to have a difficult conversation at some point in your career. This difficult conversation can come from something embarrassing, an exchange between employees, bad habits, or an number of issues. These might include: Uncleanliness Fights, arguments, or disagreements Flirtatious behavior with other employees Attitude problems Dress code violations […]
As another JV football season has come to a close, it’s a great time to look back and assess the season and my performance as the coach. This was my first year as head coach of the JV program with the Carolina Pride and was a tremendous learning experience. I’ve been the head ball coach […]
Everyone has a finite amount of time to develop personal and professional skills. There is a long standing debate on employee development: do I help my employee work on their weaknesses or do I help develop my employee’s strengths? In the book First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently, Marcus […]
When I was nine years old, I remember grabbing my baseball glove for a neighborhood baseball game in an empty lot near the Methodist church. It was your typical pickup ball game in a dust lot: I brought my glove, my friend Andy brought a bat, Tom brought his ball, a half dozen other kids […]
Many companies and managers are finding it difficult during the economic downturn to reward their employees – but you do not have to reward them in cash! Sometimes, you just need to be creative when rewarding your employees. We’ve put together this list of 21 ways to reward your employees for free or very low […]
One of the times of the year some managers dread is annual performance review time. Unfortunately, we often do not provide frequent enough informal reviews to our employees and have to pop everything on them one time a year. Do you keep track of the accomplishments of your employees throughout the year? Do you correct […]